Classic 350 Reactions In Japan – Real Appreciation Or Just Being Nice?
Classic 350 Reactions In JapanWhile there’s limited knowledge about Royal Enfield brand in Japan, the bike itself has received positive reactions from peopleWith its timeless design, Royal Enfield bikes have found respect, admiration and appreciation across the globe. Evidence to that is a recent video posted by Ajay Pandey. It’s actually a collection of reactions to Royal Enfield Classic 350 by Japanese people.It’s heartening to see that positive reactions have come from biking enthusiasts as well as folks with little or no knowledge about overseas motorcycle brands. The reactions have been collected over a period of around 7 months, from the time when the bike was purchased. Royal Enfield in Japan sells most of popular bikes such as Classic 350, Hunter 350, Meteor 350, Himalayan, Scram 411, Interceptor 650 and Continental GT 650.Reactions to Classic 350 in JapanJust curious – Some people were completely unaware that a bike like Classic 350 exists on the planet. People were naturally curious to know which brand it was and other details. Classic 350 has a truly unique profile in comparison to commonly used bikes in Japan from Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki.While people were curious, they maintained their distance and avoided touching the bike. There weren’t any attempts to mount the bike or request to take it for a spin. Seems quite formal behaviour and could be part of the local culture.[embedded content]Design and colour – Some reactions are about the bike’s retro design and the unique army colour. One individual actually says that he had wanted to buy the Classic 350. Due to the size of the bike, it was mistaken as a 500cc bike. Interesting to see that guys riding Moto Guzzi, Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha bikes were impressed by the design and styling of Classic 350.Best thing ever seen – An old Japanese man was so impressed with Classic 350 that he said it was the best thing he had ever seen in his life. He had read about Royal Enfield in magazines, but this was the first time he was actually seeing it in real life. The old man had some detective skills as well, as he could tell that the bike had not been driven in rain. He was also impressed by the bike’s heavy profile, weighing at around 200 kg.Team RE will be delightedThese reactions are a true delight for all those who are part of Royal Enfield ecosystem. It includes the millions of Royal Enfield fans in the country and across the globe. It gives more energy to team Royal Enfield to continue their good work and expand their global footprint.While Japanese people are impressed with Classic 350, one wonders how they will react to other Royal Enfield bikes. Especially the new generation bikes like Meteor 350, Hunter 350 and Super Meteor 650. And what about other Made-In-India bikes like Jawa, Yezdi and BSA? Seems like there’s scope for a lot more interesting reactions to homegrown bikes. More