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    What Sets TVS iQube Celebration Edition Apart – Dual-Tone Distinction

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    Zero FXE EV Spied In India – What’s Cooking, Hero MotoCorp?

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    MG Windsor EV India Debut Date September 11th – What To Expect?

    MG Windsor EV Launch DateWhen launched, MG Windsor EV will have a unique crossover hatchback design language with a lot of importance given on comfort and premiumnessBanking on their past success with EVs in India, MG Motor is poised to take the game further. The company is launching their third EV soon and it will be a unique Crossover Utility Vehicle (CUV) for the Indian market. MG Motor has just announced the debut date for this upcoming CUV which is set to happen on September 11th.MG Windsor EV Debut DateMarketed as a CUV, MG is launching their third electric car in Indian market. Initially there were speculations of it being called Excelor EV, but MG Motor confirmed the name of their upcoming CUV to be Windsor EV. Which is named after a British aircraft, like most other MG car naming strategy in India.MG Windsor EV will be a rebadged version of Wuling Cloud EV, which has been on sale in a few nations outside India. Where design is concerned, MG is standing out by offering a crossover hatchback style vehicle in a sea of SUV-style offerings. So, it stands out from the competition.Speaking of competition, Windsor EV from MG Motor will rival the C-segment electric offerings (around 4.3m in length). Some of these include Mahindra XUV400 and just launched Tata Curvv EV along with upcoming Maruti Suzuki eVX and Hyundai Creta EV.MG Cloud Crossover Utility VehicleMG Windsor EV measures 4,295 mm in length, 1,850 mm in width and 1,652 mm in height. It packs a 2,700 mm long wheelbase too. It has a quirky design with a lot of glass area. This will ensure a roomier and airy experience for passengers. Exterior design highlights include flush door handles, LED lighting all around, 18-inch alloys and others.What to expect?On the inside, we can get a 15.6-inch infotainment screen and a 8.8-inch instrument screen, electronic parking brake, auto climate control, soft touch plastics, bubble-style Italian leatherette seats, 135-degree reclining rear bench, electrically operated front seats, up to 1,707L boot space, 256 colour ambient lighting, and a lot more.Where safety is concerned, MG Windsor EV will get 4 airbags, auto hold function in electronic parking brake, pedestrian sound warning, TPMS, robust ADAS suite including adaptive cruise control, 360-degree camera, parking sensors and others.MG Cloud CUV InteriorPowertrains-wise, we should expect a battery pack around 50 kWh in capacity and a claimed range of around 500 km on a single charge. Internationally, Wuling Cloud EV comes with a 134 bhp and 200 Nm electric motor driving the front wheels and we might get something similar. More

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    2024 Jawa 42 Launch Price Now Starts From Rs 1.73 L – Rs 17K Less Than Before

    2024 Jawa 42 LaunchedWith Royal Enfield 350cc motorcycles in its crosshair, 2024 Jawa 42 launched, offer unmatched price to performance ratio in neo retro genreJawa Yezdi Motorcycles has sharpened their product offensive against Royal Enfield. The company has been updating its portfolio to compete at the highest level against increasing competition. In that trend, 2024 Jawa 42 has been launched at a revised price and a ton of mechanical updates. Let’s take a look.2024 Jawa 42 Launch PriceMahindra-owned Classic Legends has launched their new 2024 Jawa 42 neo-retro motorcycle. The base pricing is very attractive, starting from Rs 1.73 lakh and goes all the way to Rs 1.98 lakh (Ex-sh). There are a as many as 14 colours offered with 2024 Jawa 42. Among these, 6 colours are new for 2024 model.2024 Jawa 42 ColoursThe new colours are Vega White, Voyager Red, Asteroid Grey, Odyssey Black, Nebula Blue, and Celestial Copper Matte. These colours join the existing colour palette of pre-update Jawa 42. Jawa is positioning their new roadster as ‘most revered neo classic machine’ on sale in India.For the 2024 model, Classic Legends seems to have worked on mechanical aspects to improve the bike’s overall performance and other attributes. Primary highlight is price to performance and that is where 2024 Jawa 42 seems to have a clear advantage over 350cc Royal Enfield offerings.2024 Jawa 42Jawa is claiming as many as 42+ significant upgrades with their new 2024 Jawa 42. These upgrades are said to be driven by customer feedback. 2024 Jawa 42 comes equipped with a new 294cc J-Panther single-cylinder liquid-cooled engine. This engine has been re-worked with a few new internals to improve upon NVH and achieve smoother gear shifts.This engine features gear-based throttle mapping that should ensure optimized spread of performance across the gears. Performance metrics include 27.32 bhp of peak power and 26.84 Nm of peak torque. There is a slipper clutch and a 6-speed gearbox. Jawa also claims increased ground clearance, a more comfort-oriented seat and re-tuned suspension.2024 Jawa 42 SpecsStatement from Jawa Yezdi Motorcycles“The 2024 Jawa 42 is a testament to holistic approach to motorcycle engineering,” says Anupam Thareja, Co-founder of Jawa Yezdi Motorcycles. “We’ve left no stone unturned in our quest for ‘price-performance’perfection. From upgrading materials to refining our manufacturing processes, we’ve pushed boundaries at every step.We believe in the philosophy of price-performance engineering, and the result is a motorcycle that doesn’t just meet expectations—it redefines them. The authentic neo-classic 2024 Jawa 42 is a trinity of edgy performance, gorgeous design, and precision engineering.”2024 Jawa 42Also read – 2024 Yezdi Adventure launched More

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    Tata Curvv EV First Drive Review – Style Quotient, Redefined!

    Tata Curvv EV First Drive ReviewJust-launched Tata Curvv EV directly takes on MG ZS EV and Mahindra XUV400 along with upcoming Maruti eVX and Hyundai Creta EVThe time is between 2010 and 2014. That is when I lived in Belagavi (then Belgaum), Karnataka. People across my home owned a BMW X6, world’s first Coupe SUV. Initially, I thought the Coupe SUV genre was hideous. But I saw that X6 for the next three years and it grew on me so much that I now adore Coupe SUVs.During that time, Coupe SUV genre was limited to only luxury cars and I never imagined that it would somehow hit the mainstream market. Fast forwarding to August 2024, Tata Motors has made Coupe SUV genre mainstream with Curvv and Curvv EV and even I can afford one today. What a time to be alive, eh? After briefly driving Tata Curvv EV in Udaipur, Rajasthan, here’s what we think about it.Tata Curvv EV – DesignTata Curvv EV First Drive Review – Striking Exterior!One look at Tata Curvv EV in person is enough to make the majority of people fall in love with it. Of course, there will be people who may find coupe SUV genre weird. If you ask me, I loved the design, owing to my affinity to Coupe SUVs. As we drove the Curvv EV around Udaipur, it grabbed a lot of eyeballs. In many instances, smitten bystanders approached us and enquired about this gorgeous machine.Fusing Harrier and Safari inspired exterior design with Curvv has worked wonders. The slim connected LED DRLs, LED projector headlights with LED cornering fog lights, the electrically operated front charging flap, 18-inch alloy wheels with aero inserts, connected LED tail lights, stylish roof spoiler, a panoramic sunroof and other exterior design highlights look nice. PIÈCE DE RÉSISTANCE is obviously the sloping coupe roofline.Tata Curvv EV – Sloping Coupe RooflineTata Curvv EV doors shut on top of the door sills. My Renault Captur has the same design and I appreciate it when a carmaker takes the extra effort. None of the current C-Segment compact SUVs have this feature. Another extra effort by Tata Motors is painting the plastic body cladding. Every single rival gets unpainted body cladding and they turn into a hideous whitish-gray shade in no time when standing under the sun. While cladding on Curvv and Curvv EV will remain black as they get gloss black paint.Other exterior design highlights on Curvv EV include flush door handles with welcome light and an electrically operated tailgate with gesture controls. Both are segment first features. Tata provided Rushlane with the new Virtual Sunrise colour and Black contrasting roof. Other colour offered to media was Pure Grey, which looks a lot like Nardo Grey offered on a few premium cars.Tata Curvv EV – Sloping Coupe RooflineMostly similar interiors as Nexon EVWhile Tata does a great job of masking the Nexon EV’s exteriors with Curvv EV, the same can’t be said about Curvv EV’s interiors. Except for a few features like 4-spoke steering wheel from Harrier and Safari, panoramic sunroof, electrically adjustable driver’s seat and more extensive ambient lighting, there is nothing new with Curvv EV over a Nexon EV. Space at the front and rear is almost identical to that of Nexon’s too.There is a larger boot with Tata Curvv EV with 500L of space that can be expanded to 973L by folding the 60:40 split rear seats. There is also a 11.6L frunk (front trunk) which is perfect to stowe away the portable charger. All in all, one can surmise Curvv is a Nexon with a larger boot, when it comes to interior updates and passenger space on offer. That might not be a bad thing if you don’t care a lot about rear seat occupants and features and space revolving around their comfort.Tata Curvv EV – InteriorsWe say this because the two-step recline function for rear seats is very minimal and barely makes a difference in overall comfort. Curvv EV offers similar knee room for rear passengers as Nexon and Tata Motors skipped rear sun shades as well. There are only two headrests in 2nd row and it would be a squeeze to fit three adults abreast. Even at the front, interior cabin width is not enough and full-size adults will graze their shoulders and elbows.The leatherette cladding on dashboard was not padded, while elbow pads on all four doors, were. This is a weird omission, in my opinion. How much can a sheet of foam cost and how much more time would it take in the assembly line? My 2010 Tata Indica Vista has around 60% more soft-touch plastics than the Curvv. There is no dual-zone climate control on Curvv EV. But that is perfectly fine given that the rivals’ implementation of dual-zone climate control makes less sense, anyway.Tata Curvv EV – InteriorsFeatures and equipmentAt 12.3-inches, Curvv EV’s free-standing infotainment screen is largest-in-segment (on paper), and it is slick to use and comes with a plethora of features. It gets wireless Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, iRA connected features, Arcade.ev apps including music streaming (Spotify) and video streaming (Amazon Prime) and a lot more. The 10.2-inch instrument screen is top-tier too, offering multiple layouts, music info, full-screen navigation, ADAS system monitoring and many other attributes.Tata Curvv EV SpecsBoth front seats are ventilated with three fan levels. The steering wheel from Harrier and Safari lends an upmarket appeal and feels nice to grip. Illuminated logo on steering ups the cabin ambience and the touch and toggle-buttons feel intuitive to use and control the instrument screen. There is a brand new key fob with Curvv EV that feels a lot more premium than other key fobs from Tata. It has lock, unlock, headlights and boot open functions.Tata Curvv EV – BootThere’s a wireless charging pad, keyless entry, push-button start, cruise control, auto-dimming IRVM, cooled glovebox, a banging audio system from JBL, front and rear armrests, height adjustable seatbelts, leatherette seat upholstery, LED lighting for the front and rear individual LED reading lights, a parcel tray on boot area, two hidden storage compartments in boot, a boot light and many other features. Doors don’t open 90-degrees wide, but the aperture was wide enough.Where safety is concerned, Tata Curvv EV comes equipped with 6 airbags as standard. Other safety features are an electronic parking brake with auto-hold, ABS, EBD, BA, TCS, ESP, auto headlights, rain-sensing wipers, 360-degree camera, blind spot assist, all-four disc brakes, TPMS, Level-2 ADAS suite, and a lot more. Chances of Tata Curvv EV scoring 5 Stars in Bharat NCAP is close to 100%, which can’t be said about its immediate rivals. Tata has also given Curvv EV AWAS, which plays a subtle music to warn road users and bystanders when driving under 20 km/h. We would have liked it if AWAS didn’t play when car was standing still in parking mode when power is left on. Say, to run climate control or music in traffic.Tata Curvv EV – Digital ClusterPerformance and handlingGetting the basics out of the way, Tata Curvv EV is underpinned by Acti.ev platform that we also experienced in Punch EV. The chassis integrity and dynamics is very good. While Curvv EV feels a lot closer to Nexon EV in terms of space and comfort, powertrain is a different story. Curvv EV gets two battery pack options, 45 kWh (claimed range 502 km) and 55 kWh (claimed range 585 km). For context, Tata Nexon EV gets 30 kWh and 40.5 kWh battery options.Smaller 45 kWh battery variant gets a 148 bhp and 215 Nm electric motor and a 502 km claimed range. The one we drove in Udaipur was the top-spec 55 kWh battery variant which had a 165 bhp electric motor. Interestingly, the torque still remains the same 215 Nm as lower-tier variants. Tata claims 0-100 km/h sprint of 8.6 seconds with higher-spec variants.Tata Curvv EV – Alloy WheelsHowever, we felt that there could have been more torque in higher-spec variant for more ferocious acceleration. There may be a Curvv EV Racer with more performance later on. Maybe the same reason why there is no all-black Curvv EV at launch as it will get a Dark Edition soon. In our testing, we achieved a 0-100 km/h run in under 9 seconds. Braking performance might have been slightly more progressive.[embedded content]There are three drive modes – Eco, City and Sport with meaningful difference in performance. There are four regen modes as well, 0 to L3, controlled by the paddles behind the steering wheel. Charging time has been reduced with Curvv EV and Tata claims 10-80% SOC in 40 minutes with a 70 kW DC charger. The 7.2 kW AC home charger will juice up the 55 kWh variant from 10-100% in 7.9 hours. Because of the short period we had with the car, we couldn’t put the 585 km range to test.Tata Curvv EV – Coupe SUVCurvv EV suspension has been setup to be slightly on the softer side. So, dynamically, it can’t be as sharp as, say, Punch EV, based on the same platform. But the ride quality is really great, despite Curvv EV riding on 18-inch alloys with 55-profile tyres. Tata Motors usually gets the suspension right for Indian road conditions and Curvv EV is no different. Maybe slightly taller profile tyres would have made Curvv EV more immune to Indian bad roads.ConclusionBased on the brief drive we embarked in Udaipur, we liked the Curvv EV for what it is. What it is, is a stylish coupe SUV that looks stunning and stands out from the crowd. Design and style is the primary USP of Tata Curvv EV. In that regard, Curvv EV doesn’t disappoint. If you are looking at Curvv EV as a larger Nexon with bigger boot, more performance and larger battery for a greater range, Curvv EV is perfect. Except for a few omissions, it even has a lot of equipment and features on offer, some of which are segment first. Think, a dynamic car for a nuclear family.Tata Curvv EV – Coupe SUVBut if you are expecting it to have space and comfort of a C-Segment SUV, it disappoints. Interiors don’t feel expansive enough like the rivals do. That’s because it is a lot closer to Nexon EV than it is to the upcoming Harrier EV. Also, there are a few glaring omissions with Tata Curvv EV. Even at Rs 22 lakh (Ex-sh), Curvv EV lacks telescopic adjustment for steering wheel, soft-touch dashboard, rear sun shades, all-four one-touch up/down windows, vanity lights for front passengers, a hydraulic strut for bonnet and a few more.Other than a few criticisms we have, Tata Motors has done a commendable job in bringing the Coupe SUV genre to the masses. The packaging of features and creature comforts can always be improved later. We would like to see an even more performance-oriented Curvv EV Racer in the future and probably even a dual-motor AWD version. Like we mentioned before, Curvv EV is a brilliant offering from Tata Motors for what it is. More

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    New Honda CGX 150 (Baby CB350) Debuts – 12 HP, 100 Kmph Top Speed

    Honda CGX 150 (Baby CB350) DebutsAfter launch in China, the Honda CGX 150 will also be considered for multiple international marketsAhead of its expected official unveiling next month in September, some images of the Honda CGX 150 have been presented online. The retro bike will be manufactured at Wuyang-Honda in China. A total of three variants of Honda CGX 150 will be available for sale.Honda CGX 150 – Engine, specsUpcoming Honda CGX 150 is based on the smaller sibling, the classic Wuyang Honda CG 125. Although Honda CGX 150 uses a higher capacity 149cc engine, the engine architecture is the same as the smaller 125cc engine.Honda CGX 150 (Baby CB350) DebutsThe air-cooled, four-stroke, single-cylinder unit generates 12 hp. The bike is expected to be offered with a 5-speed gearbox. Top-speed could be around 98 km/H. It is possible that Honda may also introduce a 125cc model of the CGX at a later date.Honda CGX 150 utilizes 17-inch wire spoke wheels at both ends, shod with dual-purpose knobby tyres. The front and rear tyres measure 90/90-17 and 110/80-17, respectively. Both ends have disc brakes and front ABS is offered as standard.Honda CGX 150 (Baby CB350) DebutsSuspension setup comprises telescopic forks at front and dual-rear shock absorbers. The bike has a slightly upswept exhaust, which indicates its mild off-roading capabilities. Weighing just 128 kg, Honda CGX 150 can deliver agile performance across varied ride environments. The lightweight profile also makes the bike suitable for beginners.Honda CGX 150 (Baby CB350) DebutsHonda CGX 150 – Styling and featuresSimilarities with the CB350 are quite apparent. Honda CGX 150 has a circular headlamp, circular rear-view mirrors, fork gaiters, curvy fuel tank and minimal body panelling.The cafe racer variant has an exotic design with bar-end dual-tone mirrors, frame in red shade and a rider only seat with a hump at the rear. The fuel tank utilizes a vibrant mix of Honda’s signature blue, white and red colours. The seat is dual-tone and the rear suspension springs are painted red.Honda CGX 150 (Baby CB350) DebutsOther two models get a proper seat and standard grab rails. One of these is a grey-black model, whereas the other utilizes an all-black theme. The latter can be seen with some official accessories such as a visor and side bags.Honda CGX 150 – Launch date, pricingIt is expected that Honda CGX 150 will make its debut in China in September 2024. Launch is scheduled in the spring of 2025 in China. Honda CGX 150 could be offered at a starting price of approximately 10,000 yuan (Rs 1.17 lakh). After the 150cc model, Honda could introduce a smaller 125cc bike based on the same format. Export potential will be evaluated across various international markets.Honda CGX 150 (Baby CB350) DebutsManufacturing will commence at the Wuyang-Honda facility. A joint venture between Honda Motor Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Motors Group Company, Wuyang-Honda has been functional since 1992. At the Wuyang-Honda facility in China, around 20 million two-wheelers have been produced till date.Will Honda CGX 150 launch in India?As the CB350 has emerged as a popular choice, a smaller 150cc retro bike seems to have potential. But it is unlikely to be launched here anytime soon. More

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    2024 Royal Enfield Classic 350 Debuts – Gains Features, Launch September 1st

    2024 Royal Enfield Classic 350 DebutsJust-unveiled 2024 Royal Enfield Classic 350 gets LED headlights for the first time along with other first-ever featuresRoyal Enfield, the leading retro-style motorcycle manufacturer in India with a lineup that ranges from 350cc, 450cc, and 650cc models, has just introduced the updated 2024 Classic 350, today in Mumbai. There are many new features that Royal Enfield is gracing Classic 350 with, for the first time.Thus positioning Classic 350 as a technologically advanced offering, something that couldn’t be said about pre-facelift model. The Classic 350 is currently the automakers top selling model, scaling sales charts each month by significant margins not only over its other 350cc counterparts but even when compared to higher capacity motorcycles in the company portfolio.2024 Royal Enfield Classic 350 DebutsRoyal Enfield Classic 350 – New VariantsThe new 2024 Royal Enfield Classic 350 looks a lot more promising and enhance the overall aesthetics. Pricing will be announced on 1st of September, 2024. Royal Enfield is offering 11 colours, across 5 trim levels. These are Emerald with contrast Chrome, Jodhpur Blue, Madras Red, Medallion Brown Dual Tone, Commandos Sand and Stealth.2024 Royal Enfield Classic 350 Alloy Wheel VariantWhere feature updates are concerned, 2024 Classic 350 now gets LED headlights along with LED tail lamps and pilot lamps. Turn indicators are now LEDs too. Thus fusing modernity and retro vibes in a unison. This LED headlamp was initially offered on the Super Meteor 650 while other 450cc and 650cc models. Meteor 350 was the first to get it within 350cc models.2024 Royal Enfield Classic 350Only two top spec variants receive LED turn indicators. Although, this feature will be offered as an option on the three lower trims. Features such as adjustable brake and clutch levers have been made standard to the top 2 variants. Optional to other lower variants. Royal Enfield is also offering turn-by-turn navigation feature only with top-spec variants too.2024 Royal Enfield Classic 350 LED HeadlightFeatures like gear position indicator and Type C USB charger are offered as standard fitment across all variants. Only one variant gets alloy wheels and tubeless tyres which will be offered as options on the other trims.2024 Royal Enfield Classic 350Engine Specs, Expected Pricing2024 Royal Enfield Classic 350 will see no change in its engine specifications. Like its earlier counterpart, it will ride on the same J-Platform and draw its power via a J-Series 349cc, single cylinder, air cooled, SOHC 2V engine that offers 20.2 bhp of peak power at 6,100 RPM and 27 Nm of peak torque at 4,000 RPM, mated to a 5 speed gearbox.2024 Royal Enfield Classic 350Componentry includes 41mm telescopic forks in the front and pre load adjustable twin shock absorbers at the rear. Braking equipment is handled via disc brakes at the front and rear with dual channel ABS as an option. It will also continue to ride on 19 inch front and 18 inch rear wheels.2024 Royal Enfield Classic 350 DebutsFor context, pre-update Classic 350 was priced from Rs 1.93 lakh to Rs 2.25 lakh (ex-showroom). Prices are still under wraps and tonight’s event in Mumbai was only to unveil the 2024 Classic 350 in all its glory. More

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    2025 BYD Seal Launch Price 175k Yuan (Rs 20 L) – L2+ ADAS, More Safety, Automatic Parking

    2025 BYD SealWith multiple tech upgrades, new 2025 BYD Seal electric sedan delivers improved performance and enhanced safetyBYD has launched the new 2025 Seal electric sedan at a starting price of 175,800 yuan (Approx. Rs 20 lakh). Considering the advanced features it has, the new BYD Seal sedan seems quite competitively priced. Both RWD and AWD variants are on offer.2025 BYD Seal2025 BYD Seal – Variants and pricingAbove the base model, there is the 650 Long Range Edition. It is available at a starting price of 189,800 yuan (Rs 21.6 lakh). Next is the 650 Intelligent Driving Edition, priced at 216,800 yuan (Rs 24.7 lakh). The top variant is 600 AWD Drive, priced at 239,800 yuan (Rs 27.31 lakh). In India, the BYD Seal EV is on offer as a CBU with prices in the range of Rs 41 lakh to Rs 53 lakh. Expect the new BYD Seal EV 2025 model to be launched in India in the coming months.2025 BYD SealLiDAR upgrade2025 BYD Seal electric sedan gets a LiDAR sensor module installed on the roof. LiDAR in automobiles is used to augment the ADAS functions. Short for Light Detection and Ranging, LiDAR works by emitting laser beams and measuring the time taken for the light to reflect back. It helps create an accurate 3D view of the car’s surroundings.With LiDAR, the new 2025 BYD Seal has improved autonomous driving capabilities. It now integrates the L2+ level DiPilot 300 system. It includes advanced features such as high-speed and urban Navigation on Autopilot (NOA) and Automated Valet Parking (AVP).2025 BYD Seale-Platform 3.0 EvoNew 2025 BYD Seal electric sedan is underpinned by the e-Platform 3.0 Evo. This is the same platform, as seen with the Sea Lion 07. Interestingly, the new Seal was also planned to get the 07 suffix. However, feedback from enthusiasts suggested that sticking with the original Seal name will be better. Dimensionally, the new 2025 Seal is the same as the outgoing model.2025 BYD SealBYD Seal is 4,800 mm long, 1,875 mm wide and 1,460 mm tall. It has a wheelbase of 2,920 mm. The long size and attractive design ensure a strong road presence. The e-Platform 3.0 Evo comprises five major tech clusters. It utilizes a 12-in-1 electric drive system, a first of its kind in the world.Other highlights include an intelligent fast charging system, a high efficiency thermal management module, state of the art CTB vehicle safety architecture and world’s first intelligent motion control technology.2025 BYD Seal2025 BYD Seal – Key FeaturesAn upgraded chassis with BYD’s Disus-C system ensures optimal suspension performance. It improves comfort, stability, handling and adaptability of the suspension setup. Top-spec AWD variant also has this advanced damping control system.2025 Seal has updated interiors, featuring a unique four-spoke flat-bottom steering wheel and a large centrally mounted floating touchscreen with rotation function. There’s a minimalist centre console, wireless charging pads and hidden AC vents. All variants get a W-HUD head-up display and 13 airbags as standard.2025 BYD Seal2025 BYD Seal – Range, specsTwo battery pack options are on offer, a 61.44 kWh and an 80.64 kWh unit. These have a range of 510 km and 650 km, respectively. While the base variant is equipped with a 228 hp rear motor, the mid variants deliver 308 hp. The top variant comes with an all-wheel drive setup and delivers 523 hp.2025 BYD Seal has a 1,200V SiC control system. The electric sedan utilizes a high-performance 23,000 rpm motor. Top speed is rated at 240 km/H and 0 to 100 km/H can be achieved in just 3.8 seconds. The sedan supports 800V technology, which allows superfast charging. 10% to 80% can be achieved in just 25 minutes. More