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    Tested: 1980 Audi 4000 Needs to Cook a Little Longer

    From the November 1979 issue of Car and Driver.

    2022 Audi A3 Prepares for Battle in the U.S.

    The Best Sedans of 2020

    Live with any car long enough and—unless it stops dead in its tracks—it begins to grow on you. If it gets you there and back, you learn to love it. We only put a thousand miles or so on the Audi 4000, but it never missed a beat. True, it coughed once—sneezed, really—on the way up to the historic-car races at Laguna Seca, but all the other beats of its stout Teutonic heart inspired nothing but confidence. It ran like Supertrain, mostly at speeds upward of 80 mph. How many cars have you driven lately that can peg the speedometer for hours at a stretch? The numbers on the Audi’s speedo run out at 85 mph, but we pressed on with the needle buried in no man’s land until we hit the notorious Grapevine southbound on California’s I-5. Shutting off the air conditioner bought back enough power to hold a steady 80 mph up the long grade. And when we finally ran the 15.8-gallon tank dry at 300-plus miles, a fuel-economy check showed the 4000 getting better than 21 mpg at those speeds. Best of all—probably thanks to having pitched seven pennies into the ocean for good luck on the run north up Route 1—we managed to slip through the CHiPs’ speed nets like VC sappers. How could you not love a car like this?
    If only the Audi 5000 didn’t exist, we might have been totally captivated by the 4000. But in comparison, the 4000 doesn’t fare quite so well. The two cars look remarkably alike—nice, clean, modern wedges. German (though Giugiaro designs), pointy, purposeful. Some of their hardware, like the door handles and the seatbelt harnesses, are identical. At first glance, about the only differences appear to be the 4000’s rectangular headlights versus the 5000’s round eyes … and the price—a couple of grand less for the smaller (100.1-inch wheelbase), lighter (2260 pounds) Audi. Is the 4000 the baby brother to the runaway best-seller 5000? Not really, more’s the pity; the 4000 feels more like a Volvo, any Volvo since the dear old 122S.

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    Aaron KileyCar and Driver

    A Volvo? Yeah, well, at least the steering and handling. Which may not be quite fair, because the 5000 started as a clean sheet of paper, with the former Porsche design team poised with Dietzgen drafting pens in hand, while the 4000 is an evolutionary refinement of the discontinued Fox, wrapped in snazzy new sheetmetal. The 5000 has one of the most lissome combinations of ride and handling of any car on the road; the 4000, however, is less smooth and less graceful. It harks back to an earlier generation of engineering—to cars like the Volvo.

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    Aaron KileyCar and Driver

    There are some odd attitudinal differ­ences between the 4000 and the 5000, too. If the 5000 is “deluxe,” the 4000 is definitely “junior.” The 5000, for exam­ple, has a proper pneumatic strut to prop the engine lid open; the 4000 has a manual hood stay, like a Morris Minor, ferchrissake. Some of the 4000’s con­trols are smaller than their counterparts on the 5000, as if Audi expected the buyers of the 4000 to be physically scaled down as well. And while the 5000 has a full-sized spare tire, the 4000 has one of those “space-saver” spares, about the size of a dirt-bike tire. Nonetheless, the 4000 has some pretty posh touches; standard equipment includes items like steel-belted radials, a trunk light (the trunk is huge for a small car), power front disc brakes (although not power steering; alas, not even as an option), honest-to-goodness vent windows that open, an electric rear-window defogger, and a center console with a voltmeter and an oil-temp gauge. The console, however, is badly placed. Tall drivers complain that its trailing edge leaves a lasting (and numbing) impression on their legs.
    Driving the car is pretty nice. The seats are like the 5000’s: fully reclining buckets and comfortable for hours on any kind of road. The fuel-injected 1.6-liter, 78-hp (76 in California) four-cylinder engine starts easily and runs without any of the drivability problems associated with most engines built since “ecology” became a dirty word. It’s redlined at 6500 rpm, but most of its considerable poke comes between four and five grand. The clutch is a bit notchy, but the shift is as smooth as Teflon and cocked slightly toward the driver (wonder if they change that for a right-hand-drive version?). The instruments are intelligently laid out, with big, bold, E-Z Read graphics, and the operating controls are placed where you expect to find them.

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    Aaron KileyCar and Driver

    The 4000’s steering may be slow, heavy, and not as precise as the 5000’s, but it’s better than most of its competition from across the Pacific. With 60 percent of its weight over the front wheels, the 4000 has unflappable straight-line stability (unaffected by anything but gale-force side gusts), and excellent traction on loose stuff, but she sure do understeer and the rear wheels tend to lock if you stand too smartly on the brakes.
    The front-drive powertrain is inherited from the Fox, and the engine still buzzes enough at speed, especially at 70 mph, to rattle the keys off your key ring. A five-speed manual transmission would help, and is rumored to be in the pipeline, as are a five-cylinder engine, a three-speed automatic, a three-door coupe, a five-door wagon, and—gasp!—a turbo. But for now the 4000 is simply buzzier and noisier than it should be.

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    Aaron KileyCar and Driver

    Still and all, for a company whose motto is “Success through Engineering,” there are some curious lapses. Consider: the rear frame of the front quarter-window partially obscures the outside rear-view mirror. (Rearward visibility is further hampered by a narrow field of vision in the inside rear-view mirror.) Consider: the little spoiler that pops up when the optional sunroof is opened creates more wind noise than there would be if there were no spoiler at all. (We finally taped the spoiler out of the airstream altogether.) Consider—the ultimate insult: park a 4000 alongside a 5000 and open a door on either car; the rub rails don’t even come close to mating, and the result is a ding in the other Audi’s door.

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    Aaron KileyCar and Driver

    If your style is elegance, ante up the extra bucks for the 5000. But the 5000 is an 85-mph car—any speed much above that and the disharmony of its uneven number of cylinders grates unmercifully on the human ear … which is what we’re equipped with. If, on the other hand, you want a little stormer, the 4000 is your Audi.
    I’ve had too much fun with the Audi Fox to applaud its demise and welcome this family-type 4000 to the fold. The 4000 just doesn’t stack up to the Fox’s performance standards: it’s slower, heavier by 200 pounds, noisier inside, and less fuel-efficient. And, of course, much more expensive. Some of this you can chalk up to tighter emissions standards, but really, the reason the 4000 isn’t Foxy is that Audi has given this car a character transplant to move it up and out of America’s apartment complexes and into a split-level life of country luxury. That’s fine, but the transformation is incomplete. The 4000 admittedly looks the part, even though it is the cheapest expression of the made-in-the-Black Forest styling idiom. And the ride, the ventilation system, and tire adhesion are all substantially improved over the Fox’s. Unfortunately, the 4000 has been sent to us with a 70-mph sonic boom built into its structure. I’m not sure whether this is some sort of subliminal over-speed alarm purposely installed at the factory, or just a bad job from the sound lab. In any case, I’ll be saving my enthusiasm for this new-generation Audi until I see the five-speed, five­-cylinder version. —Don Sherman
    Audi did the right thing when it put a new name on its small car. The back-road duelist that lived behind the Fox badge is dead and gone, and I’ll miss it. But in its place is an equally competent, though very different, kind of car. It’s as if Audi sent the Fox through finishing school; it’s emerged from the halls of engineering far more suave, confident, and stylish than when it enrolled.

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    Aaron KileyCar and Driver

    If anything was lost during the maturing of the Fox, it was some youthful exuberance. The 4000 sedan doesn’t feel so much like a wily sports sedan as it does a sporting luxury sedan—which is nothing to irrigate your tear ducts about, because the 4000 is still one of the better all­-around sedans on the road. In fact, if Audi can fix the buzziness at highway speeds and righten up the high-speed stability a notch, the 4000 will be as exemplary a sporting luxury sedan as the Fox was a sporting sports sedan. —Rich Ceppos
    Maybe I expected too much. In a fit of impracticality, I had even told my mother to consider this new Audi in her search through the Dashers, 626s, X-bodies, and Accords. But between me mum’s little Midwestern cottage and the nearest Audi dealer lies a hundred miles of pike. Anyhow, having at last driven the 4000, I’d now tell her to hold out till the arrival of a fifth gear and one more cylinder.
    The four-banger drones in midrange like a B-29, and the four-speed just doesn’t reel out the long-legged cruising this otherwise sophisticated little sweetheart should be expected to give. Both inside and out, the 4000 looks as if it should provide effortless propulsion to go along with its league-leading styling and roomily luscious interior. It is much more comfortable than the GM X-bodies, having been given far more gracious seating and appointments, yet it weighs 500 pounds less. It is also fitted together infinitely better. For me, that will make it unquestionably worth the price when the all-­grown-up drivetrain is available. Besides that, we hear a prototype Turbo 5 is running loose in Europe, even as we speak. Heh, heh, heh. —Larry Griffin


    1980 Audi 4000
    VEHICLE TYPE front-engine, front-wheel-drive, 5-passenger, 4-door sedan
    PRICE AS TESTED $8850 (base price: $7685)
    ENGINE TYPE SOHC 8-valve inline-4, iron block and aluminum head, port fuel injectionDisplacement 97 in3, 1588 cm3Power 78 hp @ 5500 rpmTorque 84 lb-ft @ 3200 rpm
    TRANSMISSION 4-speed manual
    CHASSIS Suspension (F/R): struts/trailing armBrakes (F/R): 9.4-in disc/7.9-in drumTires: Firestone S-660, 185/60HR-14
    DIMENSIONS Wheelbase: 100.1 inLength: 176.8 inWidth: 66.3 inHeight: 54.1 inTrunk volume: 12 ft3Curb weight: 2260 lb
    C/D TEST RESULTS 60 mph: 13.4 sec90 mph: 52.8 sec1/4 mile: 19.1 sec @ 71 mphTop speed: 91 mphBraking, 70–0 mph: 209 ft
    EPA FUEL ECONOMY (C/D EST) Combined/city/highway: 28/24/35 mpg

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    Tested: 2020 Tesla Model S with Cheetah Mode Delivers Real Gains

    In various areas of life, it’s sometimes said that the key to going quickly is to slow down. That’s certainly true for achieving the best acceleration times in a Tesla Model S. Even on our most recent 91-degree test day, it took almost 25 minutes after selecting Ludicrous+ mode to preheat the battery pack to its optimum, 120-degree temperature. Then, after a single blast to 150 mph, there’s a waiting period of nearly 15 minutes to dissipate the excess heat generated before it’s ready for another quick run.

    Tesla Model X, S Now Have Cheetah Launch Mode

    Porsche Taycan vs. Tesla Model S: The Test

    Why are we here sweating under a Model S Performance’s glass roof on a hot summer day with the air conditioning off to measure its acceleration times again so soon? Because shortly after our comparison test where the Tesla successfully fought off the Porsche Taycan, Tesla issued a software update for the Model S and X that claimed more power, quicker acceleration times, and more consistency when making repeated passes. Part of the additional swiftness is due to what Tesla calls a “cheetah stance,” where the car’s front end crouches when launch control is activated. In that previous test we ran 15 consecutive acceleration runs on each car without any cool-down time, and after the Model S ran a couple of heaters in the high two-second range, it slowed dramatically to a near-Chevy Bolt pace, running zero-to-60-mph times that hovered around six seconds.

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    Dave VanderWerpCar and Driver

    So, we decided to repeat our same test regimen from before, with the exact same car running the updated software. This time, however, the venue was the test track near our home base in Michigan rather than our Southern California outpost.
    The warp to 60 mph does indeed improve slightly to 2.4 seconds versus 2.5, tying the Porsche Taycan Turbo S as the quickest four-door we’ve ever tested in that metric. The Model S’s quarter-mile time also improves by a tenth (and 1 mph) to 10.6 seconds at 126 mph, but that’s still a tenth short and 4 mph slower than the Taycan’s best.

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    Dave VanderWerpCar and Driver

    Helpfully, Tesla has added a battery-temperature gauge that appears when the car is in max-acceleration Ludicrous+ mode, so you have an idea of how much wait time is remaining. When in that mode, there’s also now a power display that shows maximum-output figures for the battery and the front and rear motors. Ours maxed out at 593.5 kW (796 horsepower) for the battery, 182.0 kW (244 horses) for the front motor, and 396.5 kW (532 horses) for the rear motor.
    As before, after the hero runs were finished, we made 15 additional passes, this time without the cool-down time necessary for the Model S to report that it’s at the optimum temperature. However, because our Michigan straightaway is 1.5 miles long, versus a 1.0-mile straight in California, the results aren’t laboratory comparable, as the Model S did get more cool-down time between runs this time around. During this test, we popped off a launch-control start roughly every 90 seconds—it was closer to a minute between runs last time—with about eight of those seconds spent waiting for the Model S to transition into its low-nose, high-fanny cheetah stance.

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    Dave VanderWerpCar and Driver

    Since the only thing that changed here is software, Tesla is simply allowing the battery, electric motors, and other components to get hotter than before, comfortable that it won’t cause long-lasting damage. But the significantly improved overall results speak for themselves: The 60-mph times ranged from 2.7 to 3.8 seconds, and the quarter-mile passes from 11.3 to 12.9 seconds. Across all 15 runs, the average time in both metrics dropped by a massive two seconds compared to our previous test.
    That’s a staggering gain in performance from twiddling a few lines of code, and we continue to marvel at the breadth and depth of the changes Tesla is making with its continual software updates.


    2020 Tesla Model S Performance
    VEHICLE TYPE front- and mid-motor, all-wheel-drive, 5-passenger, 4-door hatchback
    PRICE AS TESTED $108,690 (base price: $96,190)
    MOTORS front: permanent-magnet synchronous AC, 275 hp, 310 lb-ft; rear: induction AC, 503 hp, 531 lb-ft; 98.0-kWh lithium-ion battery pack
    TRANSMISSION single-speed direct drive
    CHASSIS Suspension (F/R): multilink/multilinkBrakes (F/R): 14.0-in vented disc/14.4-in vented discTires: Michelin Pilot Sport 4S, F: 245/35R-21 96Y TO R: 265/35R-21 101Y TO
    DIMENSIONS Wheelbase: 116.5 inLength: 195.7 inWidth: 77.3 inHeight: 56.9 inPassenger volume: 95 ft3Cargo volume: 26 ft3Curb weight: 4998 lb
    C/D TEST RESULTS 60 mph: 2.4 sec100 mph: 6.1 sec130 mph: 11.4 sec150 mph: 19.3 sec1/4 mile: 10.6 sec @ 126 mphTop speed (mfr’s claim): 163 mphStanding-start accel times omit 1-ft rollout of 0.3 sec.
    EPA FUEL ECONOMY Combined/city/highway: 97/98/96 MPGeRange: 326 miles

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    2021 Mercedes-Benz E450 Polishes Its High-Tech Presentation

    The S-class is the brand flagship, but the E-class is the core model for Mercedes-Benz, a car that has to work equally well as a twee-engined Parisian taxi or a twin-turbo V-8 AMG battle wagon. That’s why Benz’s engineers and designers are always careful with a redesign. The E-class needs to cater to the preferences of a traditional owner base and simultaneously serve as a showcase for the brand’s abilities. That’s no easy task, and they have gone to great lengths to get it right with this mid-term facelift of the 2021 W213 E-class.
    From the outside, the facelift is so extensive that you could almost call this car a new generation. While the doors, roof, and glass sections remain identical, the headlights and front grille have been thoroughly restyled, looking more swept back and stretched taut. The rear actually features an entirely new look, with the taillights now horizontal instead of vertical. Which, ironically, brings the E-class in line with famed designer Bruno Sacco’s “vertical model affinity,” which dictated that a similar design language should be followed across the lineup. All Mercedes sedans now have horizontal taillights, with the exception of the soon-to-be-replaced C-class.

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    Up front, the E-class comes with a number of different grilles, only one of which still keeps the upright star on the hood. We are particularly fond of this traditional look, but we suspect a far greater number of customers will opt for the AMG Line grille with a central star. The actual AMG models, the E53 and E63, feature a front end that looks like it was grafted from the AMG GT, and the All-Terrain brings the Audi Allroad faux off-road treatment to the wagon. All trims except for the traditional “luxury” grill feature bulges on the hood that Benz refers to as “power domes.”

    2021 Mercedes E-Class Is Refreshed, Adds Hybrid

    2021 Mercedes E-Class Has Sensitive Steering Wheel

    While the body modifications are impossible to miss, changes to the interior are more limited. The analog instrumentation disappears, replaced by two 12.3-inch screens. And the console rotary knob makes way for a more contemporary-looking touchpad. However, our test car was still fitted with the previous system, and we hear Daimler is considering giving customers a choice between the systems. We strongly encourage them to do so, since the old setup is far easier to use than the new one. That’s because the large rotary knob engages with precision and a delicate click, allowing you to move to the desired map size, screen icon, or radio station with precision. The haptic touchpad, on the other hand, needs to be operated like a cell phone, and the constant swiping, pinching, and spreading almost never leads to the desired result without corrections and distraction. Of course, you can always use the improved voice-recognition system or use the central screen as a touchscreen, but why mess with a system that works?
    With the exception of the touchpad, the MBUX system does have some advantages over the previous system. It’s quicker, and it offers quite a few more functions, like the augmented reality navigation setting that indicates turns by displaying virtual arrows over a real-time camera feed of the road in front of you. That trick is good enough to make you forego Waze, sometimes.

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    The interior remains altogether elegant and sumptuous, characterized by tasteful combinations of wood, metal, and leather. The frameless rearview mirror looks elegant, and the vents and switches operate with typical Mercedes precision. Fit and finish are impeccable, as they should be in this class. And we appreciate the fact that the E-class maintains its own somewhat opulent style, as opposed to the cold futurism that dominates the cockpit of an Audi A6.
    Though you wouldn’t guess it from the horsepower number or displacement, a lot has changed under the hood, with the old twin-turbo 3.0-liter V-6 making way for a turbocharged 3.0-liter straight-six. Output remains identical at 362 horsepower and 369 pound-feet of torque, but the new powertrain is superior for two reasons. First, it includes an electric motor (basically, a beefy starter/generator called EQ Boost) that can produce up to 21 extra horsepower and 184 extra pound-feet of torque. Using a 48-volt electrical architecture, the electric motor helps swell the torque curve while the turbo spools up, improving response time. And second, a straight-six defined some of the classic E-classes for the same reason it makes sense now: Compared to the old V-6, the inline engine is noticeably more refined, with ultra-silky sound and vibration characteristics. Even when pushed to the redline, it emits little more than a purr.

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    A nine-speed automatic transmission is standard, as is all-wheel drive. Thus powered, the E450 charges to 60 mph in a Mercedes-estimated 4.9 seconds, one-tenth of a second quicker than the outgoing model. Top speed will be governed at 130 mph, but we can attest that the identically powered European-market E450 reaches a governed 155 mph with ease and with a considerable margin above that, were it allowed to go faster. We regret to inform you that Daimler won’t offer any of the excellent four- and six-cylinder diesel engines on the United States market. They are clean and ultra-economical, and they could help restore diesel’s reputation here.
    While the standard suspension imbues the E-class with a serene ride, there’s an optional three-chamber air suspension that’s even more cushy. In the non-AMG versions, the suspensions are on the slightly softer side, complemented by precise but pleasantly low-effort steering. When asked to, the E450 can dance through the corners with ease, but its real domain is effortless long-distance cruising.
    The E450 4Matic will be priced starting just above $60,000 when it hits the market late this year. It will be joined by the entry level E350, powered by a 255-horsepower 2.0-liter four; the AMG E53 with its electrically boosted 429-horsepower 3.0-liter straight-six; and the 603-horsepower, 4.0-liter V-8-powered AMG E63 S. You won’t see that one working as a Parisian taxi.


    2021 Mercedes-Benz E450 4Matic Sedan
    VEHICLE TYPE front-engine, all-wheel-drive, 5-passenger, 4-door sedan
    BASE PRICE (C/D EST) $63,000
    ENGINE TYPEturbocharged and intercooled DOHC 24-valve inline-6, aluminum block and head, direct fuel injectionDisplacement 183 in3, 3000 cm3Power 362 hp @ 6100 rpmTorque 369 lb-ft @ 1600 rpm
    TRANSMISSION 9-speed automatic
    DIMENSIONS Wheelbase: 115.7 inLength: 194.5 inWidth: 73.7 inHeight: 57.8 inCurb weight: 4300 lb
    PERFORMANCE (C/D EST) 60 mph: 4.5 sec100 mph: 11.3 sec1/4 mile: 13.1 secTop speed: 130 mph
    EPA FUEL ECONOMY (C/D EST) Combined/city/highway: 23/20/28 mpg

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    Tested: 2021 Bentley Bentayga V-8 Looks Sharper, Accelerates Harder

    There seems little doubt that luxury SUVs with big, thirsty engines are on borrowed time. Nobody needs the combination of a driving position with a six-foot-high eye line and a 542-hp V-8, but that doesn’t stop it from being compelling, particularly when you’re the one driving it.
    Bentley Bentayga sales have grown steadily throughout its lifespan, and last year it made up 45 percent of Bentley’s global production. But this segment is not just Bentley’s anymore. The Rolls-Royce Cullinan and Lamborghini Urus are players, and the Aston Martin DBX is about to launch. To keep up, the Bentayga has been given a substantial visual makeover, although its core mechanical package remains virtually unchanged.

    HIGHS: Easier on the eyes, improved infotainment system, V-8 is as impressive as before.

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    Bentley gave its designers more leeway. There’s a broader radiator grille and “cut crystal” LED headlights that look similar to the Continental and Flying Spur’s lights. The headlights are positioned an inch higher than before. but the overall effect is intended to—as Bentley’s design team put it—lower the front end’s visual mass. We can say that it looks much better. The changes haven’t transformed it into a classical beauty, but it is now less of a Doric temple and more of a Palladian mansion.

    2021 Bentley Bentayga Gets a New Look

    2021 Bentley Bentayga Gets More Than a Makeover

    Changes to the rear end are more substantial. Immediately apparent are the new wraparound liftgate and a switch to oval-shaped lights. We had no substantial issue with the previous Range Rover-ish rear end, but the new look is certainly more in keeping with the company’s other models. Despite the larger liftgate, the size and shape of the cargo area itself—defined by the structure—remains unchanged. There are options for four seats, five seats, or even a folding third row, should you want your Bentley to double as a minivan.

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    The few alterations in the cabin have, for the most part, addressed the weaknesses of the old Bentayga. There are more charging ports—up to six USB-C outlets—as rich people’s kids don’t just throw away their gadgets when the battery dies. There is also an updated infotainment system that has a higher-resolution 10.9-inch central touchscreen, backed by quicker-acting hardware and an easier-to-use interface. Sadly, the screen doesn’t revolve around into the instrument panel like the one in the Continental and Flying Spur. The revised dashboard has also brought a new central air outlet that features plastic directional vanes. We preferred the metal and round-shaped vents of the old car. A new front-seat design slightly increases knee room in the second row, which remains a fine place to spend time in either four- or five-seat configurations.

    LOWS: No substantive mechanical revisions, less agile than the Aston Martin DBX or Lamborghini Urus.

    While there are plenty of software changes, there aren’t many mechanical changes. The most significant physical difference is that the rear track has been widened by 0.8 inches. Both the 542-hp V-8 and the 626-hp W-12 Speed will carry over unchanged in the United States market. We’re fortunate, as the 12 has been quietly dropped in most territories. A V-6 plug-in hybrid will be launched later as well.

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    We drove the V-8 version in England over a mix of highway, urban grind, and on some of the Welsh mountain roads used by many of the United Kingdom’s chassis development engineers. The Bentayga puts on a good show in all of those environments. It’ll cruise with unerring stability and in silence, even at a rapid pace. We measured a hushed 65 decibels at 70 mph, and it doesn’t seem much louder at triple digits. At slower speeds, it takes on the feel of an oversized luxury limousine, pliant and unfazed by Blighty’s oversized “traffic calming” bumps.
    On twisting, cresty Welsh asphalt, the Bentley managed to keep its nearly 5500 pounds under tight control. The combination of pillowy air suspension and the optional 48-volt electric anti-roll system do a fine job of providing a Bentley-grade ride while keeping the car flat under hard cornering loads. It’s didn’t feel as good at defusing a switchback road as the Aston DBX we recently drove in similar conditions, but it is impressively athletic for something so grand and stately.

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    Although unchanged, the Bentayga’s twin-turbo V-8 is also worthy of praise for its combination of lag-free, low-rev muscle and a genuine enthusiasm to stretch all the way to its 6700-rpm limiter. We tested the new V-8 Bentayga in Michigan where it ran to 60 in 3.3 seconds and through the quarter in 11.9 seconds at 114 mph. That’s quicker than both the W-12 we tested four years ago and the last Bentayga V-8 we had at the test track. It sounds great while doing all of this, especially when being run hard. Again, it was better than the W-12 and with a more satisfying top-end rasp than the fine-sounding AMG-sourced V-8 in the Aston DBX. The Bentayga V-8 has the same 542 horsepower as the Aston, but Bentley’s 4.0-liter makes more torque at lower revs.
    The V-8 has more than enough torque to effectively disguise the fact the Bentayga’s eight-speed autobox isn’t the snappiest shifter. This is especially true when operated in manual mode where it seemed to struggle with requests from the steering-wheel paddle for more than one downshift at a time, something the quicker twin-clutch ‘box in the Continental and Flying Spur has no issues with.
    Both V-8 and W-12 Speed versions of the revised Bentayga will reach the U.S. by the end of the year, likely with a relatively modest spec-adjusted price increase over the outgoing SUV’s roughly $175,000 base price. For that near $200,000 sum, you’re going to get a much better-looking Bentayga.


    2021 Bentley Bentayga V-8
    VEHICLE TYPE front-engine, all-wheel-drive, 5-passenger, 4-door wagon
    PRICE AS TESTED (C/D EST) $215,000 (base price: $177,500)
    ENGINE TYPE twin-turbocharged and intercooled DOHC 32-valve V-8, aluminum block and heads, direct fuel injectionDisplacement 244 in3, 3996 cm3Power 542 hp @ 6000 rpmTorque 568 lb-ft @ 1960 rpm
    TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic
    CHASSIS Suspension (F/R): multilink/multilinkBrakes (F/R): 15.7-in vented disc/15.0-in vented discTires: Pirelli P Zero, 285/40R-22 (110Y) B
    DIMENSIONS Wheelbase: 117.9 inLength: 201.8 inWidth: 78.7 inHeight: 68.6 inPassenger volume: 109 ft3Cargo volume: 17 ft3Curb weight: 5470 lb
    C/D TEST RESULTS 60 mph: 3.3 sec100 mph: 8.9 sec130 mph: 16.1 sec150 mph: 23.7 secRolling start, 5–60 mph: 4.6 secTop gear, 30–50 mph: 2.7 secTop gear, 50–70 mph: 3.2 sec1/4 mile: 11.9 sec @ 114 mphTop speed (mfr’s claim): 180 mphBraking, 70–0 mph: 161 ftBraking, 100–0 mph: 324 ftRoadholding, 300-ft-dia skidpad: 0.87 gStanding-start accel times omit 1-ft rollout of 0.3 sec.
    C/D FUEL ECONOMY Observed: 24 mpgHighway range: 540 miles
    EPA FUEL ECONOMY (C/D EST) Combined/city/highway: 17/14/23 mpg

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    Tested: 1987 Buick GNX Exercises Brute Force

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    Ron de RiemackerCar and Driver

    From the May 1987 issue of Car and Driver.
    If you’re looking for precision and sophistication in a car, don’t even consider the Buick GNX. In a world of sleek shapes and refined manners, the GNX is an axe­-wielding barbarian laying waste to everything in its path. For better or worse, though, the forces of civilization are winning: the GNX and its Regal Grand National stablemate won’t be pounding the streets to rubble much longer. The rear-wheel-drive Regal will be put to rest at the end of 1987, and its turbocharged and intercooled 3.8-liter V-6 will start pushing up daisies as well.

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    As a farewell to the rear-drive incarnation of the Regal, which has been around in its current form since 1978, some of the drag racers at Buick decided to give the Grand National one last tweak before relegating it to the boneyard of automotive history—a swan song, if you will, one last meteoric burst of power before the flame dies for good. The plan is to produce only 500 GNXs (in any color you want, as long as it’s black), so if your order is not yet in, forget about being the original owner of one of these brutes.
    To expedite the procedure of pegging the needle completely off the Richter scale, Buick turned the GNX project over to the Automobile Specialty Company (a division of ASC) and McLaren Engines. Both companies are located in Michigan, and both have worked with Buick before. ASC was largely responsible for the 1982 to ’85 Riviera convertible, and McLaren has been associated with various Buick racing-engine projects.

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    Ron de RiemackerCar and Driver

    McLaren started with the Grand National’ s turbocharged and intercooled V-6, which already produced 245 horsepower (or more, but 245 is Buick’s modest claim), massaging it until 300 horses showed up on the dynamometer. The modifications are straightforward hot-rod stuff: ported and polished heads, a larger turbocharger with a ceramic turbine wheel, a dual exhaust system, a recalibrated PROM (programmable read-only memory) chip for the engine-control computer, and an insulated intercooler outlet tube, which keeps the temperature of the pressurized air from rising after it leaves the intercooler. Maximum boost has been increased to 16 psi, two more than the Grand National’s allotment, but a circuit in the engine-control computer still shuts off the fuel flow at 124 mph. The engine has enough grunt to push the GNX much faster, but Buick engineers feel the chassis wouldn’t tolerate much more speed without taking to the air like a Frisbee. The rest of the engine has been left untouched, a testament to Buick’s confidence in the soundness of the basic design.

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    Ron de RiemackerCar and Driver

    ASC’s modifications include a new valve body for the automatic transmission. It keeps the shift points at the redline and makes downshifts feel as if anvils were clanking together somewhere. In order to keep all the newfound power from torquing the live rear axle into new and exciting positions, ASC substituted a short torque arm and a Panhard rod for the Grand National’s pair of diagonal locating links. In our prototype test car, these components were attached to a massive machined-aluminum housing, which replaced the normal differential cover. (In production, a less expensive casting will do the job.) In addition, a new frame crossmember provides the forward attachment point for the torque arm. The front suspension is unchanged; considering that it will probably spend most of its life in the air, there was no point in spending much money on it.

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    Ron de RiemackerCar and Driver

    For those times when all four wheels are touching the ground, Buick took the precaution of upgrading the rubber to 16-inch Goodyear Eagle VR50s: 245/50VR-16s at the front, 255/50VR-16s at the rear. On our test car, the wheels were bolt-together modular alloy designs, but the production cars will get cast and welded alloy wheels from a Japanese manufacturer. New fiberglass fender flares keep the body from slicing the huge tires to ribbons.

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    Ron de RiemackerCar and Driver

    The last Grand National we tested generated some impressive numbers. It ran to 60 mph in 4.9 seconds and clicked through the quarter-mile in 13.9 seconds at 98 mph. The GNX, with 55 more horses and an additional 25 pounds of mass, rockets to 60 in 4.7 seconds and squirts through the quarter-mile in 13.5 seconds at 102 mph. In zero-to-60 performance, the only car available in the U.S. that matches the Buick is the Callaway Twin-Turbo Corvette, and the only one that beats it is the Porsche 911 Turbo, at 4.6 seconds.
    Although the GNX’s performance in the drag-race mode is measurably improved, the new suspension pieces do little to help the old sled’s handling. At 0.80 g, it has respectable skidpad grip, but no more than the Grand National we tested last year. In the real world, when the road deviates from straight ahead or its surface becomes rougher than a pool table, the GNX rattles and bounces like bolts in a blender. Clearly, the engine and the chassis are in separate leagues. What we have here is a great powerhouse of a motor looking for a nice place to live.

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    Ron de RiemackerCar and Driver

    In dazzling contrast to the blacked-out exterior, the interior of the GNX is a festival of chrome and bright metal. At least the instrument cluster has been improved, with non-glitzy Stewart-Warner gauges for speed, rpm, boost, oil pressure, engine temperature, and fuel level. The seats are firm and supportive and are covered in a grippy gray fabric.
    The GNX may be unsophisticated, but a lot of people with fond memories of “the good old days” will find its throaty voice and squalling rubber to be exactly the sort of aural gratification they’ve been missing lately. We have no doubt that at least 500 such people will be willing to pay $27,000 for this slice of automotive history. And probably a hundred times that number will mourn the passing of the Grand National and the GNX.

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    Ron de RiemackerCar and Driver

    We’ll do a little mourning ourselves—not so much for the car as for the engine that powers it. If we were Buick, we’d set the hyperactive V-6 on a stand and build a car of comparable talents around it. This is one orphan that cries out for adoption.


    1987 Buick GNX
    VEHICLE TYPEfront-engine, rear-wheel-drive, 5-passenger, 2-door coupe
    PRICE AS TESTED (C/D EST)$27,000
    ENGINE TYPEturbocharged and intercooled pushrod 12-valve V-6, iron block and heads, port fuel injectionDisplacement: 231 in3, 3791 cm3Power: 300 hp @ 4400 rpmTorque: 380 lb-ft @ 2600 rpm
    TRANSMISSION4-speed automatic
    CHASSISSuspension (F/R): control arms/live axleBrakes (F/R): 10.5-in vented disc/9.5-in drumTires: Goodyear Eagle VR50, F: P245/50VR-16 R: P255/50VR-16
    DIMENSIONSWheelbase: 108.1 inLength: 200.6 in Width: 75.5 in  Height: 54.6 inPassenger volume: 98 ft3Trunk volume: 16 ft3Curb weight: 3545 lb
    C/D TEST RESULTS60 mph: 4.7 sec100 mph: 12.9 sec120 mph: 24.7 secTop gear, 30–50 mph: 3.0 secTop gear, 50–70 mph: 3.8 sec1/4 mile: 13.5 sec @ 102 mphTop speed: 124 mphBraking, 70–0 mph: 186 ftRoadholding, 300-ft-dia skidpad: 0.80 g
    EPA FUEL ECONOMYCombined/city/highway: 20/17/25 mpg

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    Tested: 2005 Saab 9-2X Aero

    From the July 2004 issue of Car and Driver.
    The 9-2X represents many firsts for Saab. It is the first Saab to feature all-wheel drive. The first to compete in the premium-compact segment. And the first to be built on the Swedish island known as Japan.
    Ex-squeeze me? Was that JAPAN?

    Obituary: Saab Automobile, 1947–2011

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    Hai! The home of teriyaki, karate, and Nintendo is now home to a Scandinavian import. This blue-eyed, black-haired beauty is built by Fuji Heavy Industries, a.k.a. Subaru, in the Gunma Yajima plant and then exported to the U.S. and Canada for consumption by Saab’s North American faithful. The only things Swedish on the car are the badges, and we’re not so sure those aren’t made in Japan, too. Perhaps you’re curious as to why Saab took this circuitous route? Let us explain.
    Saab felt it direly needed to get a foot in the door to the premium-compact market, which the brand predicts will triple in size by 2006. Not only has Acura been thriving in the segment for years with the Integra and RSX, but the Euros are currently organizing a full assault as well. Volvo is already out with an all-new S40 sedan and the V50 wagon. Audi is only a year or so away from bringing over the five-door A3. And heck, it’s rumored that within a couple of years BMW will ship to the U.S. a form of its new five-door 1-series—possibly a two-door coupe, à la 2002—that could carry a 2-series title. The guns are being positioned.
    Well, Saab wasn’t thrilled at the thought of being left out in the cold once again, missing out on all the fun had by the other kids playing Battleship. Accordingly, Saab turned to the one entity that could quickly rally the troops—the General. As in General Motors.

    Highs: Handsome styling, versatile package, faster than an Audi S6 Avant.

    As you may know, GM has a 100-percent equity share in Saab and a 20-percent share in Subaru. So when Saab needed a small, quick leadoff hitter for its lineup, it was the General that nabbed the WRX wagon from Subaru’s squad and optioned it for Saab’s team. For Saab, the wagon made the most sense given the brand’s hatchback history. Plus, it’s a very functional design that can squeeze in five adults along with 28 cubic feet of gear. Had Saab attempted to build its own car from scratch, it would have taken up to five years to get it to market. Time equals money, not to mention competitive advantage, so Saab gladly accepted the General’s offer. Not a bad offer, mind you, given that the WRX made back-to-back appearances on our 10Best Cars list in 2002 and 2003.
    That this Saab is really a Subaru begs the question, How different are they? To sum it up: a lot and a little. “A lot” with respect to the extensive aesthetic changes Saab made to the WRX, yet “a little” when it comes to the disparity in overall driving experience, which we’ll get to later. First, the laundry list of alterations.
    The 9-2X is not a simple rebadge, evidenced by the myriad modifications inside and out. From the A-pillars forward, the 9-2X is completely unique, wearing new front fenders with distinctive cornering lamps, sleeker headlamps (with available xenon bulbs), a flusher hood scoop, and Saab’s signature three-hole grille. Only the doors, the roof, and the rear quarter-panels are shared with the Subaru. In profile, the Saab shows off more-aggressive rocker panels, an integrated rear roof spoiler, and a clean roofline unmarred by rails, which are standard on the WRX wagon. For the hind end, Saab nipped and tucked the Subie’s butt, fitting the 9-2X with fresh taillamps, a bumper with a black diffuser, and a new tailgate that houses the license plate.
    Inside, Saab has given the Subie a full IKEA makeover. The carpeting is now a richer, fuller weave. The door trim is improved, now more pleasing to the eye and hand. Gone are the Subie’s cheap dash-mounted cup holder and manual HVAC controls, replaced in our Aero model by two drink holders in the center console and a metallic-look center stack with knurled knobs for the radio and automatic climate controls. Our Aero also came with a standard in-dash six-CD changer and options not even available on the WRX wagon: a $1950 power sunroof and $1695 black-and-parchment leather-wrapped seats with front active head restraints (part of the Premium package, which also has the xenon headlights).
    Saab wanted—and needed—to enhance the WRX’s subpar NVH levels. Thus, it installed not only the upgraded carpet but also sealing for the rear quarter-trim and liftgate; a revised rear engine mount; acoustical treatment on the roof and rear floor; and new or improved insulation for the toe board, fenders, and shift boot. We told you it wasn’t a rebadge.
    Mechanically, our test 9-2X Aero is nearly identical to a WRX. It features the same 227-hp, 2.0-liter turbocharged flat-four, five-speed manual, and all-wheel-drive system as the Subie, but it attacks the road with quicker steering and a retuned suspension. Saab stiffened the steering-gear mounting for better feedback and response, and on the Aero, pitched the WRX’s standard rack in favor of the rally-bred STi’s, which lowers the ratio from 16.5:1 to 15.0:1. The Subaru’s strut suspension was reworked with firmer springs, softer dampers, 10mm-shorter rear bump stops, and stiffer front control-arm bushings. In addition, 1.8mm of toe-in was dialed into the front wheels for better on-center feel and straight-line stability.

    Lows: Turbo lag, as Swedish as sumo.

    That’s the laundry list, but how does it all come out in the wash? Compared with the Subaru, the Saab is first and foremost a more refined machine. At idle, the rumbling from the engine that is so evident in the WRX has been hushed in the 9-2X, as if quelled with a down pillow. Our test car registered just 44 dBA on the sound meter, compared with 51 for the last WRX sedan we tested (“Two Against One,” October 2001). Since we never tested a WRX wagon, a direct comparison is a little tricky because a wagon has a cargo area that acts like a noise-enchancing echo chamber. As expected, then, the Saab wagon’s sound levels surpass the WRX sedan’s at both wide-open throttle (78 dBA versus 75) and 70-mph cruising (73 versus 71). In spite of that, the Saab somehow seems quieter, maybe in part because it has eliminated much of the Subaru’s tin-box effect, especially the cacophony of road pebbles ricocheting off the wheel wells and undercarriage. The leather-wrapped, three-spoke steering wheel relays minimal vibration, as does the gearshift–both weak spots in the WRX. Moreover, the interior, although still more economical than luxurious, is smart and inviting, with supple leather, higher-grade plastics, and metallic accents.
    Over Ann Arbor’s diverse landscape, the 9-2X exhibited a ride as firm as the Subie’s yet more compliant, better at absorbing the harsher impacts. Saab’s diligence paid off here, resulting in a ride more befitting of a “premium” car. The steering is superb, offering crisp turn-in, a firm on-center feel, and quick response that isn’t too quick. The overall feel is light yet amply communicative, rarely requiring adjustments to the wheel after taking a set.
    The precise steering only enhances the Aero’s impressive grip and scoot. Fitted with split-spoke 17-inch alloys wearing W-rated 215/45R-17 Bridgestone Potenza RE011s (included with the sunroof on Aero versions), our test 9-2X pulled 0.86 g on the skidpad, superior to the WRX’s 0.82 and on par with another premium, now discontinued all-wheel-drive wagon, the Audi S6 Avant Quattro (November 2001). Furthermore, the Saab not only shorted the S6 from 70 mph–171 feet versus 176–but also outgunned it in acceleration, posting a 0-to-60 time of 6.1 seconds (versus 6.3) and a quarter-mile sprint of 14.7 at 92 mph (versus 14.9 at 97). Wow. Plus, the 9-2X Aero beats the old 9-3 Viggen (February 2002) to 60 and the quarter. As with the Subie, our only real gripe is the Aero’s turbo lag, which stifles momentum below 3000 rpm. The WRX sedan is still quicker–we tested one that did 5.4 and 14.1, respectively–but it’s also carrying 164 fewer pounds than the 3256-pound 9-2X. Nonetheless, the Aero should prove to be plenty competitive in its class.
    The real beauty of the 9-2X Aero is that it retains the WRX’s core fun-to-drive factors–turbo power and the sure-footedness of all-wheel drive combined with eagerness to perform four-wheel drifts–without really diluting the Subie’s raw driving experience. It has only softened the edges while at the same time raising the quality bar. For that, Saab is asking $27,645, or $2975 more than a WRX wagon. If you want less for less, Saab is also offering a $23,685 Linear version with 165 horsepower.

    The Verdict: A swanky WRX that’s better in every way.

    Our tester, equipped with the Premium package, sunroof, and $600 heated seats, rang the register up to $31,890. Add another $1250 for an automatic. Premium cars equal premium pricing. But considering the Saab is the best all-around WRX to date, not to mention it includes no-charge maintenance for two years or 24,000 miles and a longer four-year/ 50,000-mile bumper-to-bumper warranty, it may garner another first for Saab in the new millennium–winning one of our comparos.
    Recommending a WRX to a friend is like setting him or her up with a potential mate who’s a bit on the homely side but a lot of fun, too. Needless to say, this matchmaking rarely works out. When people are investing their money or hearts, a physical attraction is necessary. The Saab version of the WRX addresses this issue with a makeover worthy of its own network show. It doesn’t go so far as to create a Swedish supermodel, but the improvements might sway status-conscious customers. Under the skin, subtle modifications make the 9-2X feel like a WRX with the volume turned down. If you tried to love a WRX but failed, you might find a match with the 9-2X. —Tony Quiroga
    I love the Subaru WRX, so of course I’m also enamored of Saab’s nearly identical version. But by adding a few luxury features and more sound deadening, Saab took the car in the wrong direction in weight, price, and performance. It’s slower and more expensive. In my opinion, Saab should have added the WRX STi’s 300-hp engine but kept the standard WRX’s softer suspension. Then we’d have something different enough to justify a loftier price. The only reason I could see popping for the Saab instead of the Subaru is that a Saab dealer typically throws in more perks, such as free loaner cars. I’d stick with the Subaru, however. —Larry Webster
    We’re on record as Subaru WRX love slaves, which makes questioning the bona fides of this badge job just a little awkward. Particularly since this car adds something to the Saab lineup–all-wheel drive–that’s overdue. Not to mention a high fun-to-drive quotient, augmented by small-wagon usefulness. Nevertheless, as a descendant of Vikings, it seems to me there’s a credibility question that’s gonna nag Saab faithful. Do a few suspension tweaks, a new grille, and leather morph this Japanese warrior into something the trolls of Trollhättan would bless? If it looks like a Subaru and drives like a Subaru, will it really make you say, “Yah, shoor”? —Tony Swan


    2005 Saab 9-2X Aero
    VEHICLE TYPE: front-engine, 4-wheel-drive, 5-passenger, 5-door wagon
    PRICE AS TESTED: $31,890
    ENGINE TYPE: turbocharged and intercooled flat-4, aluminum block and heads
    Displacement: 197 cu in, 3222ccPower (SAE net): 227 bhp @ 6000 rpmTorque (SAE net): 217 lb-ft @ 4000 rpm
    TRANSMISSION: 5-speed manual
    DIMENSIONS:Wheelbase: 99.4 in Length: 175.6 inWidth: 66.7 in Height: 57.7 inCurb weight: 3256 lb
    C/D TEST RESULTS:Zero to 60 mph: 6.1 secZero to 100 mph: 18.3 secZero to 120 mph: 30.5 secStreet start, 5-60 mph: 7.6 secStanding ¼-mile: 14.7 sec @ 92 mphTop speed (governor limited): 140 mphBraking, 70-0 mph: 171 ftRoadholding, 300-ft-dia skidpad: 0.86 g
    FUEL ECONOMY:EPA fuel economy highway/city driving: 20/26 mpgC/D-observed: 21 mpg

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    Tested: 2004 Chrysler Crossfire SRT-6

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    Bill DelaneyCar and Driver

    From the August 2004 issue of Car and Driver.
    The blended DNA of Daimler-Benz and Chrysler Corporation produced its first offspring in 2003, and hairdressers rejoiced. The Crossfire is just the kind of florid prêt-à-porter that appeals to people in the look-good business. To be sure, the Crossfire does look good.

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    The car’s name is also an unintentional pun about DaimlerChrysler; in the days since the 1998 merger, executives have been regularly mowed down by crossfire between Stuttgart and Detroit. The latest forced exit was Chrysler Group COO Wolfgang Bernhard, crossfired in May for being too vocal about problems at Mercedes and resisting a plan to spend $7 billion bailing out Mitsubishi.

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    Bill DelaneyCar and Driver

    Maybe he thought the money should be used to induce more people to buy Crossfires. As of May 1, according to trade magazine Automotive News, enough of the torpedo-tailed coupes were sitting in stock that the Karmann factory in Osnabrück, Germany, could go on a five-month lunch break before Chrysler dealers would run short. The company believes the magic laxative may be pulling the base price below $30,000 for 2005 by yanking out some standard features such as heated seats.
    Meanwhile, the dandy-dressed Crossfire, which shares both skeleton and muscle with the first-generation Mercedes-Benz SLK roadster, is the first Chrysler product to attain the performance-enhancing SRT label, heretofore bestowed only on Dodges.

    Highs: Looks sweet on the street, supercharger dispels past power complaints, new legs love track work.

    The “street and racing technology” shtick—adding more horsepower, bigger tires, and big attitude—has already been done to a few Dodges, notably, the Ram SRT-10 and Neon-based SRT-4 (all Vipers carry an SRT-10 badge). Buyers who prefer a quick quarter-mile served with essence of tire smoke have approved of the 500-hp pickup and 230-hp subcompact (in fact, various Mopar bolt-on kits will bump the SRT-4’s horsepower all the way to 300). These first vehicles have given the SRT moniker a reputation for delivering the real deal. Anticipation runs high for the SRT versions of the Chrysler 300C sedan and Dodge Magnum wagon, now only months away, we are advised.
    While we wait, the Crossfire SRT-6 will blaze into dealerships this June as both the $45,695 automatic coupe pictured here and a $49,995 automatic convertible. Criminally, no manual is offered in the SRT-6.
    We have written that the base Crossfire has eye-snaring looks and pleasing handling but an engine at least 50 horsepower short of the boiling point. The SRT mods are substantial, as is the price increase. From base Crossfire coupe to SRT-6 coupe, the extra $11,200 buys first and foremost an intercooled supercharger that wrenches another 115 horses from the 3.2-liter, 18-valve V-6. Blown, the V-6 makes 330 horsepower and 310 pound-feet of torque, a twistability increase of 81 pound-feet. And there are only 109 more pounds of curb weight (3220 in all) for the coupe to haul.

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    Bill DelaneyCar and Driver

    Shorn of its decorative plastic sombrero, this Mercedes engine would look more familiar. It rolls out of the AMG handicraft shop in Affalterbach, Germany, and previously found work in the SLK32 AMG and C32 AMG. Both of those models have since gone to V-8s, and Mercedes has developed a new 268-hp, twin-cam, four-valve naturally aspirated V-6 for its 2005 SLK350 ( C/D, June 2004). So the Crossfire SRT-6 is the last customer of a very nice hand-me-down.
    There’s been considerable pumping up of the Crossfire’s suspension as well. The spring rates have been stiffened almost 50 percent in the front and 42 percent in the rear, and jounce and rebound rates in the shocks have been firmed up to match. The front brake rotors grow 1.2 inches to 13.0, and the rear discs go vented and get another 0.9 inch of diameter.

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    Bill DelaneyCar and Driver

    There’s more zoot in the Crossfire’s ’40s-streamline styling with special-to-SRT wheels, 18 inches in front, 19 in the rear. The spoke count in the wheels has been upped from seven to 15. Peeking over the rims is the thin trace of the new low-profile Michelin Pilot Sport PS2 multicompound summer rubber (Continental all-season tires are an option). You’ll find a jack and a can of tire sealer, but no spare.
    The square jaw gets a bit squarer with a revised front-bumper fascia. Replacing the base car’s motorized rear spoiler is a fixed wing that wraps around the fastback and is etched with the same boat-deck dimples as the hood. It clutters the tail and raises a question: If the base Crossfire’s deploying spoiler provides enough stability for its 151-mph top speed, why does the SRT need a gaudy whale fluke to go 154?

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    Bill DelaneyCar and Driver

    The cockpit gets by with minimal changes, including a 200-mph speedo and Alcantara pseudo-suede trim on the buckets that is embroidered with an SRT-6 logo. Hence, a few complaints about the Crossfire cabin remain, including over-the-shoulder blind spots, a tight cabin for six-footers, no steering-wheel rake adjustment, and a dinky eight-cubic-foot trunk with nothing to tie down the goods.

    Lows: Vision-blurring ride, no manual available, blind spots will hide a Scenicruiser.

    The Japanese-made IHI supercharger does whack time off the Crossfire’s track numbers in big chunks. A 60-mph run now swiffs by in 5.1 seconds, a 1.4-second improvement over a six-speed manual Crossfire we tested in 2003. That car ran the quarter in 14.8 seconds at 96 mph. The SRT-6 posts a 13.5-second quarter, steaming through the trap at 107 mph. Whether it’s the next green light down the avenue or the gap between two rigs guarding the freeway merge lane, “up there” is “right here” much sooner in an SRT-6.
    Even so, polite manners govern the powertrain. The throttle response and the automatic gear selections are smoothly keyed to your pedal inputs. If you like, pilot the SRT-6 all day without ever getting into the fat end of the power–let the Starbucks get cold in the one cup holder, and it won’t slosh if you’re careful.
    More thrust doesn’t equate to more noise, either. The decibel measurements at idle and wide-open-throttle, 46 and 78, respectively, are not low by luxury-car standards, but they are virtually identical to those of the base Crossfire. A supercharger that is felt but not heard runs on sophisticated engineering.

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    Bill Delaney

    Fancy multilink arrangements in the wheel wells strike a contrast to a medieval recirculating-ball steering box that deadens wheel feedback from the driver. The base Crossfire is no lubberly pig, but the SRT deckhands have pulled in any slack and reprogrammed the stability-control software to tolerate more friskiness. Some fast lapping at Southern California’s Willow Springs track proved that the SRT-6 is screwed down tight. Speedy steering reflexes, stable footing through the corners, and dependable reserves of grip from the monster tires (0.90 at the skidpad, about the same as the base car fitted with an older model of Pilot Sports) caused corner speeds to climb well past our expectations. Braking distances likewise shrank.
    Clamped into full ABS, the four discs supply a stop from 70 mph in 157 feet, a few feet shorter than the base Crossfire. Better yet, the brake-pedal swing is packed with adjustability, and it fades little, even with torturous use.

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    Bill DelaneyCar and Driver

    We love cars that handle, but so much suspension resistance on such a short wheelbase means trouble. The SRT-6 hops its way up sectioned concrete freeways like a malfunctioning lowrider. It crashes heavily on railroad grades and fraying pavement. It shivers over the minutest cuts and crevices, the stout tire sidewalls transmitting all their energy through the stiff springs and into the rigid body. What works on track day makes life miserable every other day.
    And there the SRT-6 creates a conundrum. No doubt Chrysler’s hot-rod group has extracted a serious performance car from a fashion accessory. But with no manual transmission available and a reputation as a too-cute coupe, the Crossfire may never appeal to hard-cores who live for the next apex, especially when it’s priced in Corvette and BMW M3 territory. And the Crossfire’s current constituency may never put up with having their pompadours viciously rattled with every trip down the driveway.

    The Verdict: Everything we wished for and some things we wish we hadn’t.

    Car magazines may howl, but Chrysler—having fixed the power deficit and added better brakes and styling—should rethink the SRT-6’s suspension and relax it for easier boulevard work. True, the company expects to build only a couple thousand SRT-6s a year. But the corporate crossfire may be a little less deadly if this model actually sells.
    The local Mercedes salesmen must be doing a slow burn now that the SRT-6 version of the Crossfire is going to hit the streets. The Crossfire has always been rakishly good-looking, with taut, sporty handling, but it needed more power under the hood to make it truly exciting. That’s all been fixed by the supercharger and its extra 115 horsepower. The sales guys at the Chrysler store now have a great-looking coupe, or convertible, that runs like a sprinter and costs two to six grand less than the Benz products. One word of advice to Chrysler: Lose the big wing on the back. It’s tacky-looking, and it only muddles the Crossfire’s sleek and elegant profile. —André Idzikowski
    Cult-car alert! Twenty years from now, the SRT-6 will be one of those scarce machines that will command a prominent location at concours across the country. Just consider its exotic concept-car-derived styling, its Mercedes-based mechanical bones, and its outstanding acceleration, handling, and braking. Unfortunately, although the SRT-6’s performance neatly splits the difference between a 350Z and a Corvette C5, its sticker price is near the Vette’s. Furthermore, this performance comes only with an automatic gearbox. Customers attracted to this feature will not likely appreciate the SRT’s firm ride. In other words, the SRT-6 is destined to be a rare bird. —Csaba Csere
    I want to know what happened to the 19 horsepower that didn’t make the jump over to Chrysler’s SRT-6. Just because the engine isn’t in a Mercedes, it automatically has to lose power? I remember fondly the closely related full-powered, 349-hp SLK32 AMG, primarily because it was scary fast. The SRT-6’s 330 horsepower is nothing to sneeze at, but stomp on the accelerator through the kickdown switch, and it just doesn’t fly at other cars’ rear ends the way the SLK32 did. Perhaps it was the larger wheels, or the green engine in our test car, but with the rest of the vehicle so uncompromised, you don’t expect to make any concessions. —Tony Quiroga


    2004 Chrysler Crossfire SRT-6
    VEHICLE TYPE Front-engine, rear-wheel-drive, 2-passenger, 3-door coupe
    PRICE AS TESTED$45,695
    ENGINE TYPESupercharged and intercooled V-6,aluminum block and headsDisplacement: 195 cu in, 3199ccPower (SAE net): 330 bhp @ 6100 rpmTorque (SAE net): 310 lb-ft @ 3500 rpm
    TRANSMISSION 5-speed automatic with manumatic shifting
    DIMENSIONSWheelbase: 94.5 inLength: 159.8 inWidth: 69.5 inHeight: 51.5 inCurb weight: 3220 lb
    C/D-TEST RESULTS Zero to 60 mph: 5.1 secZero to 100 mph: 12.4 secStreet start, 5-60 mph: 5.5 secStanding ¼-mile: 13.5 sec @ 107 mphTop speed (governor limited): 154 mphBraking, 70-0 mph @ impending lockup: 157 ftRoadholding, 300-ft-dia skidpad: 0.90 g
    FUEL ECONOMYEPA fuel economy city/highway driving : 17/25 mpgC/D-observed: 19 mpg

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    Tested: 2005 Subaru Outback 2.5XT Limited

    From the July 2004 issue of Car and Driver.
    Lake Tahoe, for those of you who’ve never been there, is solid Subaru country. You see the star-badged four-wheel-drive Subies everywhere you go. At a lunch stop during the company’s 2005 Outback introductory drive, most of the staff admitted to owning one Subaru or another.

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    Obviously, the snowy winter climate in the Sierra Nevada predisposes Tahoans to durable, four-wheel-drive vehicles, and interest in the fleet of new Outbacks was wholehearted. And when the faithful learn that the midrange 2.5XT tested here has a 250-hp turbocharged engine-based on the unit in the WRX STi-that shrugs off most of the effects of power-robbing altitude, these folks will be standing in line at the dealerships.
    There are three basic levels of the 2005 Outback, starting with the 2.5i and 2.5i Limited. A 168-hp naturally aspirated flat-four engine powers both of these, with the Limited offering a higher level of equipment.
    The 2.5XT and 2.5XT Limited are intercooled turbo versions of the flat-four engine, with 250 horsepower on tap.
    Most expensive are the top-dog Outback 3.0R and 3.0R sedan, powered by a 3.0-liter flat-six featuring variable intake-valve timing and lift. The 3.0R is also available in L.L.Bean livery and as the VDC Limited (for “vehicle dynamics control,” a system that integrates an all-speed, all-wheel traction-control system with variable-torque all-wheel drive). At about $33,000, it is Subaru’s most expensive Outback.

    Highs: Turbo performance, refinement, all-weather versatility.

    For 2005, the Outback has a slightly longer wheelbase and is 1.3 inches longer overall. It has a wider track, a lower center of gravity, and weighs less than the previous-generation car, despite being stiffer and stronger. Subaru used aluminum panels for the hood, front bumper assembly, and liftgate to reduce weight as well as decrease mass at the car’s extremities for better handling. In the drive toward centralized mass, even the battery was shifted rearward.
    At 3640 pounds, the 2.5XT Limited we tested isn’t exactly svelte, but it isn’t too bad for a fully equipped all-wheel-drive wagon, and it certainly performs and feels like a lighter car. A quarter-mile time of 15.6 seconds at 92 mph isn’t too shabby for a nearly two-ton wagon with an automatic transmission.
    The low center of gravity helps quell roll motions and reduce that tippy sensation you often get in heavy SUVs. And thanks to a steering rack bolted securely to the front suspension subframe, what Subaru calls a “cannon mount,” the Outback has very direct responses to the helm. To reduce kickback shock, the rack has an integral shock-damping valve that produces a decent compromise between wheel tremor and feel.

    Subaru engineers explained at length that horizontally opposed four-cylinder engines have perfect primary and second-order balance, and the new 2.5-liter engine is indeed amazingly smooth and quiet.

    Subaru engineers explained at length that horizontally opposed four-cylinder engines have perfect primary and second-order balance, and the new 2.5-liter engine is indeed amazingly smooth and quiet. The layout boasts other advantages, too, such as a crankshaft that is short and stiff and-since no heavy counterweights are needed -comparatively light.
    The engine is short, and its longitudinal location provides a straight shot for the transmission and driveshaft. The new five-speed automatic gearbox looks way long in comparison, but that’s because it also houses the front and center differentials, along with the computer-directed multi-disc clutch mechanism that apportions torque in Subaru’s so-called variable torque-distribution system. (Models with other engine-and-transmission configurations come with different center-differential systems.)
    The “symmetrical all-wheel-drive” mechanism—as Subaru calls it—is mostly utterly transparent, but you can sense its variable operation in certain conditions. Because the torque is directed to the axle with the most grip, you can alter the car’s handling characteristics in a corner on a gravel road by adding throttle and having the car transition from understeer to neutral or even mild oversteer simply by staying on the gas. For drivers accustomed to correcting slides, the process can be a little counterintuitive, but you soon become reliant on this useful handling tool.

    Lows: Slow transmission kickdown, all-season tires.

    We could feel the center diff manipulating torque during skidpad testing, too. In third gear, too low on the tach for serious boost, the Outback would squeal around with the front end pushing fairly resolutely. When we tried it again in second, the rapidly inflating boost levels would have the car up on its toes, ready to rotate.
    The fact that the 2.5XT only pulled a fairly unexceptional 0.74 g has more to do with its all-season Bridgestones. The Potenza RE92s are engineered to keep those Lake Tahoe residents slogging through the slush, not for cornering at high speeds. Despite that, the Outback handles well, feeling stable and secure in all circumstances, and summer tires would really optimize its act.
    In many ways the Subaru approach is paradoxical. The Outbacks (and Legacy siblings) have the necessary hardware, suspension geometry, and balance to be credible performance cars, but they’re tuned for the middle of the road. Although body-motion control is well restrained, the ride is supple and comfortable. A four-into-one-into-two exhaust system is pleasant-sounding but muted to the point of inaudibility in normal motoring.
    Control feedback in the cabin is clear but subtle, and you always get the impression that the cars are trying to please the largest possible audience. Yet lovers of high-performance machinery won’t be disappointed with the 2.5XT’s cockpit, which has the requisite instrumentation tidily presented by electroluminescent white-on-black gauges ringed by dimly glowing red circles. The seats in the 2.5XT are as firm and supportive as the furniture you’d find in reputable German sports sedans.

    Another thoughtful feature typical of the Subaru approach is that the rear wiper will automatically switch from intermediate to constant speed when the driver selects reverse gear.

    Even the Sportshift override system for the five-speed automatic caters to discerning drivers. Like other systems on the market, a sideways swipe of the console-mounted selector lever pops it over into the manual slot, where forward and backward movements provoke up- and downshifts. As in other cars, buttons on the steering wheel duplicate those selections. But in the Outback, you can thumb one of the buttons and get a response even when the center selector is in the normal drive position.
    Thus, if you’re dozing along in drive and suddenly spot a stationary car in your lane and a break in traffic, you can thumb the button for a downshift and scoot into the gap. You could also mash the gas pedal and wait for a downshift, but here you’d find a fairly deliberate pause while the computer thinks about the smoothest way to do that.
    The system reverts to normal automatic operation within a few seconds, but it’s nice to have the car standing by for further instruction, and we found ourselves taking advantage of the feature fairly often. Another thoughtful feature typical of the Subaru approach is that the rear wiper will automatically switch from intermediate to constant speed when the driver selects reverse gear. And here’s something for those Lake Tahoe drivers: The outside-temperature gauge flashes when the ambient conditions drop below 37 degrees.
    Most of what makes the Outback a convenient and pleasurable vehicle to use is less visible than obvious gadgetry. When they found that the previous brake booster was expanding under pressure, Subaru’s engineers used tie rods (like those holding a kettledrum together) to stop it. The result is a more predictable brake-pedal feel.

    The Verdict: High-end image and high performance in one package.

    Subarus have always had sashless windows, and the new Outback is no exception. If you ask a Subaru engineer, such as Martyn Harding, why, he’ll answer that it’s better to add that metal to the door-aperture surround, where it forms part of the body’s impact-absorbing cage structure. Not coincidentally, Subaru foresees a five-star rating in all the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s crash tests.
    We’re drawn strongly to the idea of a wagon that drives like a good car yet has nearly nine inches of ground clearance (along with pretty respectable approach and departure angles) and a four-wheel-drive system that will scramble up a rock-strewn grade like no leather-lined, quiet, smooth-riding luxury vehicle has a right to. We like that this Subaru is fast and stable on the road without ever suggesting its dual-purpose mechanicals. And we like very much that there is now a turbo Outback. Subarus were always cool. Now more of them are fast, too. That’s progress.


    2005 Subaru Outback 2.5XT Limited
    VEHICLE TYPE Front-engine, all-wheel-drive, 5-passenger, 5-door wagon
    PRICE AS TESTED $32,470
    ENGINE TYPE Turbocharged and intercooled flat-4, aluminum block and headsDisplacement: 150 cu in, 2457ccPower (SAE net): 250 bhp @ 6000 rpmTorque (SAE net): 250 lb-ft @ 3600 rpm
    TRANSMISSION 5-speed automatic with manumatic shifting
    DIMENSIONSWheelbase: 105.1 inLength: 188.7 inWidth: 69.7 inHeight: 61.6 inCurb weight: 3640 lb
    C/D-TEST RESULTS Zero to 60 mph: 7.1 secZero to 100 mph: 19.2 secZero to 120 mph: 32.0 secStreet start, 5-60 mph: 7.8 secStanding ¼-mile: 15.6 sec @ 92 mphTop speed (governor limited): 130 mphBraking, 70-0 mph @ impending lockup: 204 ftRoadholding, 300-ft-dia skidpad: 0.74 g
    FUEL ECONOMYEPA fuel economy city/highway driving: 19/24 mpgC/D-observed: 19 mpg

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