If you love regenerative braking, this means nothing to you.
Nick Miotke/Roadshow
If you want just a little more control over regenerative braking in your new Tesla, there’s bad news. According to new owner posts in various communities such as Reddit, Tesla no longer includes an option to switch between regenerative braking settings.
This certainly isn’t the biggest loss, but for those not used to a regen system, being able to switch could help them ease in. Regenerative brakes turn typically lost kinetic energy into fresh electrons to dump back into the battery pack, which can help extend an electric car’s range a tad. Tesla’s previous cars let owners choose between “Standard” or “Low” modes, with the latter option being less aggressive.
Now, owners report the Standard option is the only option to select, apparently in cars built after June of this year. Tesla does not operate a public relations department to field requests for comment, so we don’t know why exactly Tesla would delete the option. Perhaps Tesla knows regenerative braking can give ranges a boost, so it’s simply going forward with a default setting.
If you’re not used to a regen system, it’s not hard to pick up on. Think of regenerative brakes like downshifting in a manual transmission where the engine brake kicks in. It’s also the sensation that allows a lot of automakers to tout “one-pedal driving,” since some EVs will nearly bring the car to a stop without using the physical brakes. But, if you really want less regen action, it looks like you’re out of luck, at least until Tesla decides to provide an explanation or revamped settings.
Source: Electric - cnet.com